拳意闡釋-河南少林 昭陽拳

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【拳意闡釋】-河南少林 昭陽拳
Explaining the idea and application of He Nan Shaolin Zhaoyang Quan

昭陽拳 共四路,相傳為清代湛拳和尚以實戰經驗和心得,在朝陽拳的基礎上創編而成。拳路篇幅雖短,第一路僅三十六手,但已包含踢打摔拿中的多種技法,強調護身制敵,近身短打,摔跤擒拿,配合長短距離的腿法,以及靈活的身法、步法,使對手有如身處北風凜冽,在狂風呼嘯,加上冰雹雪浪,像風絞雪撲面而來,使對手顧此失彼,避無可避。

Explaining the idea and appreciation of He Nan Shaolin Zhaoyang Quan Zhaoyang Quan series which has four routines, is created and edited by Zhanquan Buddhist Monk in Qing dynasty. He based on Chaoyang Quan which was combined with his practical experience in combat technique and was emphasized the techniques of defense. Although each of the routines are not long, such as the first routine which only has thirty-six movements,is included different kinds of techniques of striking, kicking, wrestling and seizing(grappling). Through the organization of the routine is well linked as a trap with the practical defense and attack thinking that provides a good guidance to the family of Shaolin Martial Arts.


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